Saturday, November 5, 2011

Things I plan to do this month

- Bake a pumpkin pie from a genu-INE pumpkin. We already did pumpkin muffins using the recipe over at Post Punk Kitchen and they were awesome, but we still have a huge jar of pumpkin puree from our CSA pie pumpkin.

- Eat delicious vegan gravy. There is a yummy sounding recipe that involves stout beer that I tore out of a slingshot planner several years ago and have still never tried. This is criminal.

- Make christmasy pom-pom garlands. I'm not ready to jump into x-mas mode, but if I'm going to craft my decorations, I figure I'd better start now.

- Put together a HUGE bag for the thrift store (I need to get some of this stuff out of my life!) Speaking of which, let me know if you are interested in my old zines or a handful of vintage things I was too lazy to create a shop in which to sell.

- Related to the last item, I think I am going to give another go to Project 333 or a similar plan. Somehow my closet always fills up with stuff I never wear. It's time to get it under control, yo!

- Make sure Murphy gets as much playground and outside-with-friends time as humanly possible before THE DREADED WINTER. I mean, the kid has snow pants, but yuck.

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