Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I'm baaaack.

Well, the last month has been a total blog FAIL. I should really blame it on laziness, but I will also cite: lots of babysitting, Murphy's hospital stay (stomach flu dehydration- he's much better now!), and my sister's wedding in Boston. More on the wedding later. Right now I just want to share the craftiness that happened today during nap-time.

I made this hair bow using the tutorial over at A Beautiful Mess. Please excuse my frizzies. Anyway, it was as easy to make as it looks! I am trying to figure out the best way to attach the bow to a clip, however. Right now I've just got it hand sewn to a regular barrette and it is a bit slidey.

1 comment:

  1. ooh so cute! you should make me one of those. in exchange for..i'm not sure yet :D
